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Hastings Public Library

The Children's Area

Kids are always welcome to come read and play.

The Children's area is always open to kids to read, play and learn. There are many activities available as listed below. Occasionally Story Time is even held in this space.Children's Book shelves

Books, Books and More Books! Children's Book sleves and chairs

We have books for all ages and reading levels including:

  • Board Books
  • Picture books
  • Early Reader (more words than picture books but not as hard as chapter books)
  • Juvenile Fiction (i.e. chapter books)
  • Non-Fiction
  • Biographies
  • Oversize
  • Juvenile Graphic Novels

Wonderbooks & Vox Books

Looking for a book that both kids and parents can read or have read to you? Look no further than a Wonderbook. These are regular books that can be read like any other. But, they come with an audio module attached that will read the book for you as well as ask kids questions about the story. It's great fun to hear a professional narrator act out parts and helpful to hear difficult words pronounced for kids. Check out the assortment of over 20 titles across Picture Books, Early Ready, and both Juvenile Fiction and Non-Fiction. Some titles in the collection:

  SumoKitty wonderbook    Adventure According to Humphrey wonderbook      The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System wonderbook  Llama Llama Loose Tooth Drama wonderbook  Mia and the Too Big Tutu wonderbook  My Colors, My World wonderbook  The Silver Arrow wonderbook    The Alphabet's Alphabet wonderbook    The Disastrous Magical Wishes of Classroom 13 wonderbook    Pandas! wonderbook        The Truth According to Blue wonderbook  The Truth About Dragons wonderbook


We also offer a selection of audiobooks on CD for kids plus some music CDs.

AWE Learning Computer

Thanks to generous donations at the end of 2020 for children's and teen room improvements, the Library has used some of that money to purchase a new AWE learning PC. It will help younger children with early literacy skills from basic reading and math to internet safety and coding.

This computer is self-contained and not connected to the internet. Children ages 2-8 can safely learn with STREAM aligned (Science, Technology, Reading/Writing, Engineering, Art, Math) award winning content.AWE Learning PC

Computers Children's public computers

Four computers are available for kids to do homework, research and even play educational and fun games on. A library card, school ID or parent/care giver is needed to get computer access. Computer passes can be issued for 3 months at a time so ID is only needed once.


Children's Educational Websites

Not sure what websites to have your kids go to for good learning opportunities? Try some of these. Please note the Library is not responsible for content on third-party websites.

Play Space Children's play area with toys

Kids can be kids in the play space at the back of the Children's Area. We have all kinds of toys and activities to challenge a young mind.

There is also a puppet show booth, pretend store-front sponsored by local businesses and a new diner where kids can "cook" and hang out.

wooden Puppet theater

Children's Policy

All children are welcome in this space but parent's and care givers also need to be aware of when they need to remain in the space or close by. Please see the Policies Regarding Children for guidelines on unattended children, use of the space and even getting kids their own library cards!